I have sold a property at 48 SPRUCE VILLAGE DR W in SPRUCE GROVE.
This is the lowest price you will find on a brand new home in Spruce Grove. This 1196 sq ft half duplex in Spruce Village is the perfect place to begin home ownership. Built in 2008, this unit features 3 bedrooms with 1.5 bathrooms. It comes with four black appliances, including fridge, self-cleaning stove, dishwasher and microwave oven. The cabinets are a darker colour... along with black and grey countertops. You have a back lane and a double car concrete parking pad to be put in the back by the builder. All of the landscaping will be completed in the spring by the builder and there is already a deck in place. 38 Spruce Village Drive West is also available, same layout, different colours. If you're looking for a brand new home... you won't find a better house cheaper than this!!!